
Pitching Grips

Pitching Grips 

To make it to a higher level in baseball, a pitcher should have three great pitches, not necessarily a “best pitch”, but three outstanding pitches he can throw for strikes on any given day. 

This allows the pitcher to dominate his opponents with a good change of speed and great movement. If a pitcher can throw three outstanding pitches to two locations it keeps the hitter off balance, keeps them guessing and improves the chances of the pitcher getting the win and making a habit of it. 

Before I share information on pitching grips; understand the ratio of pitches thrown. 60-65% fastballs curveballs change-ups. Here are a few examples of some of the most effective pitches.

The Three Pitches that a Pitcher must have are:

1. Four-Seam Fastball
2. Two-Seam Fastball
3. Circle Change

Have your pitchers practice these pitches and you are on your way to victory.

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