Make a circle or an “OK” sign using your thumb and index finger. The smaller the circle the tighter the grip actually is, so this pitch may take some time to master. Encourage your pitchers to start off with a "C-change" which is really making a large C instead of a circle with your thumb and index finger.
The important part while throwing this pitch is wrist and forearm angle as shown in the change-up illustration to the right. Both pitches are thrown the same with the C or the Circle thrown at the target. I see a lot of coaches teaching the Circle change because it is a popular pitch. However, they don’t teach their pitchers that the Circle is thrown at the target. By changing the position of your wrist you are imparting rotation, not force, on the baseball.
This way you have a nice fading movement while reducing the velocity of the ball. The biggest mistakes most pitchers make while throwing a change-up is slowing down their delivery which in turn slows down their arm speed. Keep your fastball mechanics and arm speed with this pitch and you will find more success with it as it can be deceiving to the batter.
Also, don’t roll or pull the Circle change. It will not only affect location, but put undue stress on you throwing arm. Pitching Grip: split finger fastball Basically you’re throwing a fastball with split fingers. The hardest part about the split is the grip. Where the two seams come together, lay your index and middle finger on the outside of each seam. The grip should be firm.
The wider the split the slower the ball is going to be. Thumb cuts the baseball in half; the v in the split takes place of the middle finger in the ball. All you do then is throw it like a fastball. It is said that the split can be harder on your arm. That is true, only if you twist your throwing arm at release of the baseball. Twisting the ball is easier to do with this pitch because you are not splitting the baseball with thumb and middle finger.
Again, you want to keep your fastball mechanics here.
1 comment:
I visited your site through Google and found it to be informative and interesting. Really it's a Good blog Keep writing such a fantastic blog, I really like your blog. Thanks for your valuable efforts.
Here Some few tips hope these tips finds you best of spirits.
Baseball Pitching Grips
Here some basic facts for playing good Baseball-
(a) Strength
(b) Coordination
(c) Proper Balance
(d) Confidence
(e) Vision
(f) Rhythm
(g) Body Control
(h) Concentration
Baseball is a Simple game, A few simple flexibility and strength exercises can change your whole Baseball game. You should have to focus on developing and improving the few key factors performance:
• Learning proper throwing skills.
• Developing and increasing throwing velocity and arm strength
• Fielding the position.
• Run quickly with the ball.
• Concentration is a Key success.
• Continuous muscles exercise
Keep writing such a fantastic blog
Best Wishes....
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